The Traditional Approach vs. The Montessori Method
How does the Montessori program and curriculum differ from traditional schools and daycares?
Traditional | Montessori |
Emphasis on social development | Emphasis on cognitive and social development |
Teacher is the center of classroom | Teacher has an unobtrusive role in classroom |
Teacher enforces discipline | Environment and method encourage self-discipline |
Same age grouping | Mixed age grouping |
Most of the teaching is done by teacher | Grouping encourages children to teach and help each other |
Activities structured for child | Child chooses own work |
Child is guided to concepts by teacher | Child discovers own concepts from self-teaching materials |
Instruction pace usually set by group | Child sets own learning pace |
Learning is reinforced externally by repetition and rewards | Child reinforces learning by repetition and feelings of success |
Child usually assigned own chair; encouraged to participate, sit still and listen during group sessions | Child can work where he chooses (yet not disturb work of others); group work is also encouraged |